Firmware customized in app, cannot add the board to Home Assistant/EspHome anymore


I have flashed the basic EspHome firmware to an alarm panel pro board and added it to Home Assistant. Then no outputs (out1, out2) were displayed. I then enabled these in the app and also configured the zones. If I have the customized firmware created in the app and installed on the board (whether via WiFi or USB), then I can no longer establish a connection in Home Assistant via ESP Home, although I can access the board’s website on my Android phone. So it is integrated into the wifi. The board is displayed as offline in the esp home integration. The original esp home firmware is also stored there. I don’t know how I can integrate the board with the custom firmware created in the app into Home Assistant as an EspHome device. Please help me, I already have spent hours now without even having attached a single wire to the board.

Thanks and kind regards
