I just bought a Konnected Alarm Board Pro 12 hoping something user friendly and enjoyable to setup. I am not in a hurry to implement it for security but am ready to try out on my desk.
I must say my experience is rather uncertain.
Right now I am blocked because I cannot make it recognized by HA any longer after a setting customization and unable to find a way to reset such.
Here below a set of questions and issues I collected after a few attempts already (I am already with 12 iterations of customization attempts).
Q1: why do I have to choose between ethernet or wifi?
Why two distinct firmware for ethernet vs. one for wifi?
What consequence on the choice? On connectable sensors or dialog with it? Others?
Q2: about the Konnected app:
There are clearly bugs in the GUI wrt the zone configuration or bottom of page (button not always available). I am using MacOS but the same on iPhone or iPad.
But also I find it rather hostile. I expected something more user-friendly.
I miss reference documentation to tell what is what and what consequence on configuring something in a way, another, or not.
I didnt get what I can do more with the Cloud, local native API, local web page/API.
For the first… to be used by what? Smarthings doesn’t find it (any longer)
For the second… to be used by HA apparently? But it now fails with a « missing line API: in yaml file » !??
For the latter, it looks to be at most a status page with very tiny config control. What’s really the purpose?
There are several non trivial options for Alarm/Out zones. What do those mean?
I also didn’t find how to organise blocage of zones. I found at most enabling or disabling for alarm. Is it something that will be controllable more dynamically than building a firmware?
Also it looks once I started with one firmware, I cannot switch it to another, or reset a config to zero. I have feeling I am blocked with first firmware selected and only able to continue with previous config started. Even forgetting the device and rediscover it, I keep the previous config.
Each time I update the firmware, it ends with « unable to determine if OTA completed successfully
Q3: I want to connect to HA 2024.12.X
I found it rather difficult and could not end where I wanted.
First, what to choose?
I found a Konnected.io plugin but couldn’t make it configured.
I don’t know how to fill the config, it looks not to respond just by filling IP address and 80 for port. It tells « connexion failed ».
I found to install ESPHome and it discovers the board.
But depending on the firmware, it finds different content.
With std firmware, it finds
-Alarm 1 & 2 toggle
-Konnected Alarm status
-Warning Beep toggle
-the 12 zones status
-restart action
-6 diagnostic info
But in HA, the control of the alarm is not available.
The only control is on the Alarm 1 & 2 (though I don’t know what it does) and on the beeper (though again I don’t know what for since it beeps continuously).
Once I updated the firmware to a customized one using Konnected app
-I activated zone 1 & 2 and configured codes,
And I could arm the alarm or deactivate it but I lost the toggles for alarm 1/2 and ever found how to block a zone.
Other elements went unavailable versus before configuration.
Now for a few attempts on config, but with standard firmware, I cannot add it to HA any longer?
A line missing in a yaml file… ?? No idea what change made this and how to fix.
How do I reset the configurations?
Q4/ Finally but the less critical for now:
Can I add a wired keyboard? Two? Where?
Or is it only Smart Keyboard?
Can I add tags?