Hubitat not using the correct attributes?

Crossposted from the Hubitat:

I just installed the blaQ version and am having some issues with the Hubitat integration, and by extension SharpTools.

From the units webpage opening and closing the garage door works fine. From Hubitat sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.

It appear that Hubitat is interpreting the open command as a lock command. I did built the firmware with the Hubitat integration, and I’m using the Konnected package from Hubitat Package Manager.

Here’s the log captured when I selected Open on the Hubitat device page for the blaQ:

2024-06-16 11:24:17.023 AM[info] Lock is unlocked (physical)

2024-06-16 11:24:16.974 AM[info] [I][secplus_gdo:056][gdo_main_task]: Lock: Unlocked

2024-06-16 11:24:16.442 AM[info] Lock is locked (physical)

2024-06-16 11:24:16.276 AM[info] [I][secplus_gdo:056][gdo_main_task]: Lock: Locked

2024-06-16 11:24:15.621 AM[info] Contact is null (digital)

2024-06-16 11:24:15.619 AM[info] Door is opening (digital)

The door did not open.

This behavior carries over to SharpTools where both the Door and Contact attributes actually invoke Lock.

Maybe I missed a step, or maybe a conflict between the most recent firmware and the drivers.

If someone has some thoughts I’d appreciate the help. I hoping to say a farewell, to MyQ given how consumer-unfriendly they’ve become.


I have this working now in SharpTools using their rules and SuperTiles features.

Would it be possible to add a child device in the Hubitat driver for just the door commands? That would solve this problem without the need for extra hassle. It seems there is a child device for everything else.


Hmm, this is a confusing one. I haven’t seen this problem in my testing, but then again I don’t use Hubitat on a daily basis. Each command and state entity should have a unique key which you can see in the state variables section on the Hubitat device page:

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 8.50.02 AM

These keys are used to match commands from Hubitat to the right thing on the device. Are they getting mixed up somehow? Any logs from Hubitat that show what commands are being called?

Hi Nate.

I’ll grab some debug logs for you later today.

The keys are different.

  • obstructionKey : 4251783213
  • restartKey : 1203400786
  • securityPlusProtocolKey : 1072131665
  • preCloseWarningKey : 1095140246
  • esphomeVersionKey : 2314437119
  • services : [{args=[ song_str], objectId=play_rtttl, key=1775494028}]
  • uptimeKey : 1324261225
  • learnKey : 2830927257
  • openingsKey : 1108868278
  • lightKey : 113374867
  • signalStrengthKey : 2654868797
  • doorKey : 1402501725
  • lockKey : 489674504
  • motionKey : 2012559111
  • motorKey : 1126985124
  • buttonKey : 977454165

Some other strangeness I’ve noticed:

  • Often after opening and always after closing the blaQ connection from Hubitat is lost.

  • The contact attribute sometimes ends up as (null).

  • The blaQ logging in Hubitat is very, very chatty. It’s generating more events without any activity than any other device, by far.

Here’s some logs showing the connection issue. These are not representative of the tile issue since I have a workaround in place. I’ll need to disable that to send you the requested logs.

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:33.947 PMinfoESPHome sending message type #60 (3 retries left)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:28.930 PMinfoESPHome sending message type #60 (4 retries left)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:26.313 PMinfoPosition is 13 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:26.310 PMinfoContact is null (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:26.282 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:063][gdo_main_task]: Door: Opening, 13%, target: 100%

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:25.718 PMinfoContact is null (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:25.681 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:063][gdo_main_task]: Door: Opening, 0%, target: 100%

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:24.328 PMinfoContact is null (digital)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:24.326 PMinfoDoor is opening (digital)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:23.912 PMinfoGarage Door open

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:23.327 PMinfoGarage Door unlocked

dev:14512024-06-22 10:30:15.751 PMinfoUptime is 32977 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:21.238 PMinfoGarage Door rssi is -45

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:15.738 PMinfoUptime is 32917 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:11.598 PMinfo[I][app:102]: Project konnected.garage-door-gdov2-q version

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:11.528 PMinfo[I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.5.5 compiled on Jun 15 2024, 19:15:56

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:11.145 PMinfoSubscribing to ESPHome device states

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:11.142 PMinfoSubscribing to ESPHome INFO logging

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:11.140 PMinfoSubscribing to ESPHome HA services

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.780 PMinfoOpening duration is online (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.772 PMinfoGarage Door is online: connection completed

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.390 PMinfoESPHome sending connect request (no password)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.389 PMinfoESPHome device name: konnected-34b7da6117b0

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.387 PMinfoESPHome server info: konnected-34b7da6117b0 (esphome v2024.5.5)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.385 PMinfoESPHome API version: 1.10

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:10.081 PMinfoESPHome requesting API version

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:09.362 PMinfoOpening duration is connecting (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:09.356 PMinfoGarage Door is connecting: host

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:08.340 PMinfoESPHome reconnecting in 1 seconds

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:07.335 PMinfoOpening duration is offline (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:07.327 PMinfoGarage Door is offline: message retry count exceeded

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:06.872 PMinfoESPHome closing socket to

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:06.844 PMinfoESPHome message type #60 retry count exceeded

dev:14512024-06-22 10:29:01.827 PMinfoESPHome sending message type #60 (0 retries left)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:28:56.806 PMinfoESPHome sending message type #60 (1 retries left)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:28:54.277 PMinfoPosition is 0 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:28:54.271 PMinfoContact is closed (physical)

dev:14512024-06-22 10:28:54.269 PMinfoDoor is closed (physical)


It’s expected that the state keys are different. They are generated ID and will be unique to your device.

I am not sure yet what’s going on here. I haven’t heard any other reports like this. Debug logs from Hubitat might help. It shouldn’t be losing connection to the blaQ that often. Hmm.

Hi Nate,

Here are logs for issuing the open command from a SharpTools Hero Tile. The only attribute I configured in the tile is Door.

I’ve captured all Hubitat events during the open command timeframe, then just the Konnected ones and the SharpTools ones. I’ve also captured the state of the attributes after the command was issued. FYI, I’ve not found a way to recover from this in Hubitat (stuck on opening, null contact) aside from issuing the restart command to the blaQ from the device page.

Also, the attributes below show unlocked. I did unlock it trying to recover. It was unlocked before the open command was sent from SharpTools and locked after.

All Hubitat Events

app:852024-06-23 12:05:50.435 PMdebugEvent data successfully posted to

app:852024-06-23 12:05:50.078 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 166 temperature -> 75.2

app:852024-06-23 12:05:45.315 PMdebugEvent data successfully posted to

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.190 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:056][gdo_main_task]: Lock: Locked

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.142 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:light, isDigital:false, key:113374867, state:true, masterBrightness:1, colorMode:1, colorModeCapabilities:[ON/OFF], colorBrightness:1, red:1, green:1, blue:1, white:1, colorTemperature:0, coldWhite:1, warmWhite:1, effect:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.087 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:052][gdo_main_task]: Light: On

app:852024-06-23 12:05:44.989 PMdebugEvent data successfully posted to

app:852024-06-23 12:05:44.973 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 door -> opening

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.951 PMinfoContact is null (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.949 PMinfoDoor is opening (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.947 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:cover, isDigital:true, key:1402501725, legacyState:1, position:0, tilt:0, currentOperation:1]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.905 PMdebug[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.872 PMdebug[D][cover:173]: Position: 0%

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.833 PMdebug[D][cover:170]: 'Garage Door' - Publishing:

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.801 PMdebug[D][gdo_cover:112]: Sending OPEN action

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.778 PMdebug[D][gdo_cover:207]: Open command received

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.742 PMdebug[D][cover:084]: Position: 100%

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.704 PMdebug[D][cover:076]: 'Garage Door' - Setting

app:852024-06-23 12:05:44.592 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 lock -> locked

dev:14692024-06-23 12:05:44.581 PMinfoLock is locked (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.569 PMinfoLock is locked (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.566 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:lock, key:489674504, state:1]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.533 PMdebug[D][lock:054]: 'Lock': Sending state LOCKED

dev:14672024-06-23 12:05:44.459 PMinfoLight is on (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.454 PMinfoLight is on (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.450 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:light, isDigital:true, key:113374867, state:true, masterBrightness:1, colorMode:1, colorModeCapabilities:[ON/OFF], colorBrightness:1, red:1, green:1, blue:1, white:1, colorTemperature:0, coldWhite:1, warmWhite:1, effect:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.407 PMdebug[D][light:047]: State: ON

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.381 PMdebug[D][light:036]: 'Garage Light' Setting:

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.245 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #30 with [1:[1402501725, 5], 4:[1, 0], 5:[1.0, 5], 6:[0, 0], 7:[null, 5], 8:[0, 0]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.214 PMinfoGarage Door open

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.206 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #60 with [1:[489674504, 5], 2:[1, 0], 3:[0, 0], 4:[null, 2]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.174 PMinfoGarage Door locked

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.165 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #32 with [1:[113374867, 5], 2:[1, 0], 3:[1, 0], 4:[0, 0], 5:[null, 5], 6:[0, 0], 7:[null, 5], 8:[null, 5], 9:[null, 5], 10:[0, 0], 11:[null, 5], 12:[0, 0], 13:[null, 5], 14:[0, 0], 15:[null, 0], 16:[0, 0], 17:[null, 0], 18:[0, 0], 19:[null, 2], 20:[0, 0], 21:[null, 5], 22:[0, 0], 23:[null, 0]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.138 PMinfoGarage Door on

app:852024-06-23 12:05:43.895 PMdebugupdateDevice, params: [id:1451], request: [arguments:[], command:toggle]

app:4352024-06-23 12:05:42.965 PMinfoOff Disabled by time

app:4352024-06-23 12:05:42.963 PMinfoOff Disabled by time

app:4352024-06-23 12:05:42.961 PMinfoIgnored Turn Off Event: 'mZone-East Hallway Motion Zone Controller' motion inactive

dev:6342024-06-23 12:05:42.926 PMinfomZone-East Hallway Motion Zone Controller is inactive

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:30.310 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #8 with [:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.940 PMinfoGarage Door rssi is -46

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.937 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:2654868797, state:-46, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.889 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:513204495, state:100, hasState:true]

app:852024-06-23 12:05:16.828 PMdebugEvent data successfully posted to

app:852024-06-23 12:05:16.441 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 uptime -> 81877

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:16.420 PMinfoUptime is 81877 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:16.417 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:1324261225, state:81877.171875, hasState:true]

Konnected blaQ Hubitat Events

dev:14512024-06-23 12:06:22.011 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:2654868797, state:-47, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:06:21.966 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:513204495, state:100, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:06:16.357 PMinfoUptime is 81937 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:06:16.355 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:1324261225, state:81937.171875, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.190 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:056][gdo_main_task]: Lock: Locked

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.142 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:light, isDigital:false, key:113374867, state:true, masterBrightness:1, colorMode:1, colorModeCapabilities:[ON/OFF], colorBrightness:1, red:1, green:1, blue:1, white:1, colorTemperature:0, coldWhite:1, warmWhite:1, effect:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:45.087 PMinfo[I][secplus_gdo:052][gdo_main_task]: Light: On

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.951 PMinfoContact is null (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.949 PMinfoDoor is opening (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.947 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:cover, isDigital:true, key:1402501725, legacyState:1, position:0, tilt:0, currentOperation:1]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.905 PMdebug[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.872 PMdebug[D][cover:173]: Position: 0%

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.833 PMdebug[D][cover:170]: 'Garage Door' - Publishing:

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.801 PMdebug[D][gdo_cover:112]: Sending OPEN action

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.778 PMdebug[D][gdo_cover:207]: Open command received

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.742 PMdebug[D][cover:084]: Position: 100%

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.704 PMdebug[D][cover:076]: 'Garage Door' - Setting

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.569 PMinfoLock is locked (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.566 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:lock, key:489674504, state:1]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.533 PMdebug[D][lock:054]: 'Lock': Sending state LOCKED

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.454 PMinfoLight is on (digital)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.450 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:light, isDigital:true, key:113374867, state:true, masterBrightness:1, colorMode:1, colorModeCapabilities:[ON/OFF], colorBrightness:1, red:1, green:1, blue:1, white:1, colorTemperature:0, coldWhite:1, warmWhite:1, effect:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.407 PMdebug[D][light:047]: State: ON

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.381 PMdebug[D][light:036]: 'Garage Light' Setting:

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.245 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #30 with [1:[1402501725, 5], 4:[1, 0], 5:[1.0, 5], 6:[0, 0], 7:[null, 5], 8:[0, 0]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.214 PMinfoGarage Door open

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.206 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #60 with [1:[489674504, 5], 2:[1, 0], 3:[0, 0], 4:[null, 2]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.174 PMinfoGarage Door locked

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.165 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #32 with [1:[113374867, 5], 2:[1, 0], 3:[1, 0], 4:[0, 0], 5:[null, 5], 6:[0, 0], 7:[null, 5], 8:[null, 5], 9:[null, 5], 10:[0, 0], 11:[null, 5], 12:[0, 0], 13:[null, 5], 14:[0, 0], 15:[null, 0], 16:[0, 0], 17:[null, 0], 18:[0, 0], 19:[null, 2], 20:[0, 0], 21:[null, 5], 22:[0, 0], 23:[null, 0]]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:44.138 PMinfoGarage Door on

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:30.310 PMdebugESPHome send msg type #8 with [:]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.940 PMinfoGarage Door rssi is -46

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.937 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:2654868797, state:-46, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:21.889 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:513204495, state:100, hasState:true]

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:16.420 PMinfoUptime is 81877 (physical)

dev:14512024-06-23 12:05:16.417 PMdebugESPHome received: [type:state, platform:sensor, key:1324261225, state:81877.171875, hasState:true

SharpTools Hubitat Events

app:852024-06-23 12:05:44.973 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 door -> opening

app:852024-06-23 12:05:44.592 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 lock -> locked

app:852024-06-23 12:05:43.895 PMdebugupdateDevice, params: [id:1451], request: [arguments:[], command:toggle]

app:852024-06-23 12:05:16.828 PMdebugEvent data successfully posted to

app:852024-06-23 12:05:16.441 PMdebugSending event for DEVICE: 1451 uptime -> 81877

Attribute State after SharpTools Open Command

  • contact : null
  • door : opening
  • esphomeVersion : 2024.5.5
  • learn : off
  • lock : unlocked
  • motion : inactive
  • motor : idle
  • networkStatus : online
  • obstruction : not present
  • openingDuration : online
  • openings : 0
  • position : 0
  • rssi : -45
  • securityPlusProtocol : security+1.0
  • switch : on
  • uptime : 82657

Hi Nate,

I wanted to follow-up to see if you could see what might be occurring from the log information, both for the Sharptools issue and the frequent disconnections.


Was this ever resolved? I’m having the same issue, can’t control garage doors from Sharptools as it locks the garage door and my wife yells at me.