Zones reporting status repeaditly even though they didn't change

Thanks Nate. Issues below:

  1. blaQ causes lock condition is related to Hubitat and Sharptools. See this thread for details. Basically if you use Sharptools to open or close the garage door it for some reason causes the blaQ to send a “lock” to the garage door.
  1. I have two pro’s and they both drop off the network and do not reconnect. The network sees the port active but not connected. They are both plugged into a Unifi POE switch but powered by local power supplies. The only way to get them to reconnect to the network is a power cycle. I’ll take a picture of the devices next time it happens to see LED states.

  2. Pro keeps sending zone status even though it doesn’t change. I see it in the Hubitat logs for all devices but only if they are in a open state. If the device closes, one message comes across and comms are idle until a open occurs and a message is sent. Then randomly, usually around 3 or 4 minutes the open message comes again, and on and on. I know this because I use a chime function to tell us when a door opens. This works great unless you leave a door open and it will then chime randomly all day long. I’ll try to attach some logging.