How do i create a key switch in 5800C2W board

How do i create a key switch using 5800C2W board. I have zone 1 and grnd empty in my board. I connected a wire from relay connection (interface) to Zone 1. I also don’t know how to use the out connection (interface) and connect it to the konnected pro to create the key switch.

The second issue is that I have to create the key switch in the lyric panel (I have the programming code to enter the menu) but I have no idea what to enter in order to program the keyswitch and make my konnected alarm arm/disarm stay mode and control remotely.

Any help will be very useful

So I was able to hardwire konnected and attach it to 5800C2W panel. I also created a relay with a momentary switch to trigger arm/disarm in konnected app. Everytime I hit the trigger I can see a blue light on my konnected interface where the relay is attached. I assume it is working. (the config is on NC)

I can’t see PGM outputs on my 5800C2W panel to program the states (triggered alarm, siren)

Now my remaining issue is also creating the keyswitch on the lyric controller to arm/disarm remotely from smartthings and trigger it on my physical alarm system and see it also on my lyric panel

Basically, I can see all my zones opening and closing on smartthings, I can arm/disarm and arm stay, I can see intrusion with a notification on my phone however it is not linked to my lyric controller so it is only a virtual security system. If I arm through my lyric panel it does not arm on smartthings systematically or vice versa. I have right now two controls completely indépendant.

This is not the objectif I was aiming for, as I want to be able to control solely through smartthings with a physical response on amenities and be able to still use my lyric panel as the physical system triggered with smartthings.