I have the Konnected Alarm Panel Pro setup with (2) alarms. Starting the process of configuring the panel and have a specific question when it comes to the (2) alarms. Which of the following options should be used for the alarm under the “Type” setting:
On/Off Switch
Momentary Button
I previously used the on/off switch but when I link Konnected to SmartThings, the alarm itself does not show up as a Siren…but instead a light switch. Trying to figure out where in this configuration created this.
Otherwise I dont have the option to choose a Siren in SmartThings.
May be I didnt get your question but if I did then - Set up zone connected to Alarm as On/Off Switch. Then build and flash firmware on to Konnected board. Then go to Smart Things, go to linked services and refresh. Come back to main Smart Things screen and it will show zone as switch and not Door.
Here is screen shot from my set up which is Pro panel in interface mode with NX-8V2 (caddx, interlogix, GE)
When I arm the system 'Home Security Armed? ’ appears open.
If Alrarm gets triggered then ‘Alarm Sounding or Not?’ appears open.
I set up these 2 with Aux outputs (inverted) on my old board and not zones (as Konnected instructs). You are probably not concerned because you are using conversion kit and not interface kit.
One more important info - you can also enable ‘Alarm System Interface’ in Konnected settings to trigger the alarm and couple of other settings. When you do that corresponding zones are not available in ‘Zone Settings’ in Konnected ‘Settings’. You can either use a zone in ‘Zone Settings’ or under ‘Alarm System Interface’. i was on Alarm System interface but it was buggy and I switched to ‘Zone settings’ which always works. I hope I did not confuse you.