Garage Door Opener + Homebridge?

Hi! I’m a konnected alarm panel user and have integrated the product into my Apple HomeKit environment using Homebridge. I am super excited for the konnected GDO Blaq since the MyQ plugins no longer work. I have not been able to determine if there is or will be the capacity for the device to function through the Homebridge interface. Anyone have any insight here?

We are no longer officially supporting Homebridge and we will not be developing a Homebridge plugin. However, we are currently testing a beta Matter compatible firmware that will wire natively with HomeKit.

Sign up for our Matter early-access program here: Form

tbsauders - I have my blaQ connected to Apple Homekit through Home Assistant (connect the blaQ to Home Assistant and use the Homekit integration in HA to get it into Homekit). I do this so the garage door pops up in Apple Carplay when I get close to home.
When the blaQ supports Hubitat, I will use that and Homebridge to get it into Apple Homekit.