My GDO blaQ works for a few days and then quits. Removing power to the unit and reconnecting it generally fixes the problem. Today, I could access the device via its web GUI. I could send a command to close the garage door. The log confirmed the command was received, the warning sound commenced, but the garage door did not close. Again, turning off power and turning it back on to the device fixed the problem. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Project version:
Esphome 2024.5.2
Hi @Elliott32224 ,
Please let us know what type of garage door opener you have (Security+ purple learn button or Security+ 2.0 round yellow button). Also, please update the firmware to the latest version (currently 1.2.4 for the GDO blaQ).
Next time this happens, please capture a log for us so we can see what’s going on internally on the device. It’s pretty easy to stream logs from the device wirelessly using your computer: see: Observability, logging and MQTT for tips.
It’s unlikely that the device is “faulty” and with a bit more detail I’m sure we can figure out what the problem is.
Nate: Thanks. It has been quite stable now for the past 5 or 6 days. Nonetheless, I will update the firmware. If it happens again, I will capture the log. I have Security+ 2.0 round yellow button.
So, my GDO blaQ has been quite stable for a couple of weeks. This morning it quit working. I cannot access its website, although I can ping the device. I am trying to install ESPHome to get the log from the device, but I have encountered an error with the installation:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: ‘c:\python311\lib\site-packages\pip-22.3.dist-info\entry_points.txt’
Consider using the --user
option or check the permissions.
Any help would appreciated to get around this error.
PS: As always, when this happens, the problem is solved by power cycling the device.
Hi @Elliott32224 sorry we can’t help you with installation of open-source packages on your computer.
It would be helpful to know which smart home platform(s) you are using and have connected with it.