Alarm panel pro going to solid blue light

I have two Alarm Panel pro devices that I have been running successfully for over a year. All of a sudden, they seem to randomly enter a solid blue light status where I can no longer interface with the boards.

I thought it might be a failure to connect to WiFi, so I hard wired them, but that hasn’t changed anything.

They will run without issue for weeks or months, then either one or both of the boards will stop functioning. I typically notice when my piezo buzzer stops working.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?

Hello. I am sorry to hear that you are having some issues. Can you file a support ticket here and let us troubleshoot this with you?

Did you all resolve this? I have the exact same issue. I thought it was a bad board and bought a new one and have the same issue.

Not yet as I haven’t had time to contact them. My boards just randomly fail. Usually it is one and not both.

Thanks. I just submitted a ticket.

Nice! Let me know what you hear. As for now I just have to hit the restart button every couple of days. It is annoying!

I have to wait until it crashes again to collect logs to share with support. So probably a week or so before I share more details.

Have you found a resolution to this yet? My alarm panel pro has been having the problem of disconnecting frequently too. I looked at the log file and it seems that there is a memory leak, I see frequent errors from networking code that cause the device to reboot. Often with the reboot, a connection is made again but sometimes the device fails to connect and ends up in the state of solid blue light. This is with the ethernet connection.

What version and platform of the firmware are you on? A few months ago there was a firmware update that addressed a memory leak in one of the upstream firmware libraries. This is Konnected’s firmware version 1.0.2.

Recently most firmware development has been going toward our newer ESPHome based firmware. You can install it at I’d be curious to see if you migrate from our original/legacy firmware to ESPHome if that fixes the issue for you.

hi Nate,

I’ve submitted a support ticket on this… the firmware is 1.0.2-0d6102.

I am using homebridge to interface with HomeKit. Does the ESPHome firmware work with that?

No, but my recommended route to HomeKit is ESPHome firmware > Home Assistant > HomeBridge. Just set up Konnected with Home Assistant and install HA’s HomeKit Bridge integration then you can use HomeKit as a front-end to your alarm on Home Assistant.

Well I can’t afford the time to convert my home bridge system. Must be that bug fix didn’t make it into the homebridge build. Do you have an update planned for that version?

To reiterate: The Homebridge compatible firmware is defective. Is there a plan to continue supporting that solution? If so, what is the schedule?