Zone state keep on

Noticed two specific zones configured ad binary sensors from 6-Zone Konnected Alarm Panels, keep ON permanently after first motion detection. Tried with following work around, but have no success:

  • Flashed device and reinstall ESPhome few times
  • Adjust potentiometer of panel interface and verified that turn off when motion is detected
  • In Alarm Panel web view, noticed zone is detected from ON to OFF first time (after uploading software) but zone keep ON and not new detection is displayed.
  • Exchanged terminals in panel interface to ensure issue is not caused by sensor from different zone.
  • YAML configuration is by default and validation did not show any error.

Any help to test in different way to discover the issue?

Is this using the Interface Module with a traditional alarm panel?
Does the amber LED on the interface module change when motion is detected/cleared?

Hi. Yes. I’m using Interfase module with DSC alarm board. I adjusted LED (off/on according instruction) but only this two zones changed first time when module is reseted. After first detection, amber LED keep on forever. Tested same zones in alarm panel and lights indicators works every detection and alarm siren also works…I didn’t try to connect zone in question directly to 6 zone Konnected alarm module. Any problem or need to remove uplink cable between boards? Thanks

Hi Nate, Need some help…

  1. I re-configured firmware 6-Zone Konnected Alarm from cero.
  2. connected only one cable from DSC board to zone 3 to Panel and light blinks in any detection (also DSC panel)
  3. Executed reset from web. zone 3 is OFF after reset
  4. After first motion zone is detected in Web view of panel and also log change from off to on but never back to off state.
  5. yml config file was not modified

    konnected-870611.yaml (420 Bytes)

Any suggestion to fix this issue? Don’t want to add any other zone to Module, until fix at least zone 3…

I really don’t know what would be causing that problem. Are you saying it is only not working on Zone 3? If you move the same wires to a different zone does it work properly? It could be a hardware component failure if the problem is only present on one zone.

Otherwise I would suspect something in the wiring of the sensor or panel.