This is great news for those of us who prefer smart devices that are able to work in isolation and parallel to a wider smart home system.
Do you think it will ever be possible for konnected to work 100% “offline”[1]? Configuration may always require a connection or host but otherwise it sounds like the keypad/switch functionality is all that’s left?
I’d far prefer to replace my existing alarm with such a system than use the interface kit!
[1] and by 100% I mean the feature set of most “dumb” alarms: zones, arming (keyswitch/keypad), delays, chime, siren, strobe etc.
In fact, one of our customers yesterday just emailed me to show off an integration he made using a Wiegand compatible keypad with the Alarm Panel Pro to arm/disarm locally. It works!
The wiegand component in ESPHome is a bit tricky to use for the average user, but I have plans to one day build this in to the Standalone Alarm System feature as an option for local arming and disarming. There are a large number of low cost Wiegand compatible keypads and readers on Amazon and online, so this could be a huge benefit for customization and local control.
Are we saying that today, with a little bit of tinkering, konnected can operate in isolation as per a traditional alarm (ie the rest of the list above)? If so I don’t mind getting my hands a little dirty.
Is that just with the pro or can the basic handle it? I understand that for 6+ zones, 2 basics won’t work so that decision may be moot.
I can vouch for this as @tboby is one of my customers! It was all working perfectly, what a talent He’s written it up here with a link to the keypad used and the esphome yaml needed.
This is a great feature thanks Nate. Priority should definitely be on a local keypad option to fully utilize this. A Konnected branded keypad would be a nice touch.
Looking forward to installing this gear in my house getting built now
One other feature that would be helpful is pool mode, which is close to alarm disabled. This would make a brief alarm when a door leading to an outdoor pool is opened. According to UL 2017, it needs to sound for 30 seconds, or until a button above the reach of children is pressed. I have 3 doors and a gate leading to a pool, so having alarms for all of them seems to be excessive, especially when all but one of them are already tied into the alarm system.
Tried to do it this morning from the Konnected app - and it made my panel unusable - it was not connecting to ethernet. Continuous blue light blinking. I had to reset and reinstall the standard firm ware.
Is there any other way to install this update?
I ve gone through the app and successfully updated the firmware, but now I’ve lost all the alarm integration through home assistant, not sure how I’m supposed to relink it, could you please advise.
@Gary_Low yes it works on all generations of our Alarm Panel products
@Valentine_Christophe make sure you enable Ethernet in Network settings and choose the Ethernet version option for your hardware, then update the firmware again.
@andrew_bastow the Alarm Control Panel (running locally on the device) should show up automatically as an alarm system/panel entity in Home Assistant
@nate I did ensure it (I was not doing it before, then I figured it). But even then, it does the install (using data cable), erases, install, wait 2 min to refresh…and then that’s it. It does not connect to the internet and the blue light just rapidly keeps blinking. I have Konnected Pro v1.6. That is the Ethernet version also right? I did not find any other numbers on the board.
Thank you @nate the 6th time was a charm. What I noticed was, if I set the Ethernet to 1.7 and lower and make any other edits, it was resetting the Ethernet option and I was not noticing it. So I just needed to make sure I made all my edits and finally set the Ethernet option and then it stuck. I am all hunky dory now! Thank you for your support and amazing product!! Love it.
I got alarmo running all nice with atm fully kiosk.
If i’am reading this correctly, i wouldn’t need the Alarmo add on and card ?
Does the Alarm Control Panel core component in Home Assistant work as good as Alarmo? Can we still arm and bypass open senors etc?
Would the stand alone system still work with alarmo or I have no choice to use the Alarm Control Panel core component in Home Assistant?
I think the missing feature is a way to bypass, so it might not be as customizable as Alarmo in all aspects.
Yes, when enabled, the Standalone Alarm feature makes its own entity of alarm_control_panel.konnected_alarm which replaces alarm_control_panel.alarmo, so Alarmo is not needed. To migrate, you would just have to update any automations in HA using the Alarmo entity to the Konnected one.
I don’t want to change my setup if not necessary so just a couple of questions.
If Alarmo is already setup, then the only advantage of setting up the standalone alarm is that the siren will still trigger if Home assistant is down and arming and disaming HA is still required.
In the feature with the standalone alarm setup, we’ll be able to use both Home assistant and Alexa to arm and disarm?