Netwrk NX8V2 panel

Hi Ron,

I just rec’d an email regarding your ask from the thread " NetworX (DAS) NX-4, how to connect alarm trigger for remote notification?"

I can’t seem to locate your actual reply, but would like to try to help.
three things to check -
#1, you need to add a EOL resistor in parallel across the keyswitch zone you set up.
#2 - sorry for restating the obvious, but please confirm you wired the zone across the Konnected relay and not the monitoring ports.
#3 - Activate the Konnected relay momentarily - like a button push vs. a switch. I’m using Home Assistant to activate and have an option to specify duration, I set for 500 ms (1/2 second). You short momentarily - if it were a physical keyswitch, you would turn it, but then turn the key back to pull it out.

One last item to consider (after you get it working), there is an advanced option to ensure the keyswitch “force arms” even if a zone is open. Location 41, bit 5. (BE SURE TO VERIFY same location for your system)
Something to consider changing. If you need to arm the system while you’re out of the house, you have no way of closing a window or door that may be left open. Force arming allows you to do this, regardless.

good luck