Inconsistent power using 5v output headers

Hello! I am attempting to power an Everything Presence One (which has 5v input headers) with the 5v output from a Konnected Alarm Panel Pro that is powered via PoE from a 48 port UniFi Switch. Here’s a photo:

The problem: The power to the 5v output from a Konnected Alarm Panel Pro is not consistent and the power seems to cut out every 60 minutes.

Here is a screenshot from Home Assistant showing that the sensors are triggered every hour because of power loss. (When this sensor is connected directly to a USB-C 5v power supply this issue does not occur.)

My questions:

  • Any idea why this is happening?
  • Is this a known issue? Is there a fix?
  • Is there any further troubleshooting you’d like me to do?

How much current does the EP1 draw? The 5V pins are limited to 300mA (total combined) which is not a ton of juice.

A potential better solution may be to use our 12V to 5V buck converter with USB output, and power it from the 12V AUX output: 12V to 5V USB Power Converter – Konnected

These can support up to 3A of current, 10 times that of the 5V pins, which should be more than enough for your sensor.

Thanks for the response Nate.

The EP1 product page states “Power consumption has been measured at 240mA during initial boot and 160mA during normal operation.” So it seems that the Konnected Alarm Panel Pro’s 300mA output should be able to power the EP1?

The location of the EP1 doesn’t have room for a power supply, so I’m trying to place the power supply where the sensor wires end up which is next to the Konnected Alarm Panel Pro. I will likely use another power supply (maybe the Konnected 12V to 5V USB Power Converter) if it’s not possible to find the answer to…

Why does the 5v output from a Konnected Alarm Panel Pro consistently lose power every 60 minutes? The logs show a clear pattern of power loss: 10:26, 11:26, 12:26, 1:26, etc

Is there some internal operation that happens every 60 seconds which could be causing a power reset?

Any troubleshooting steps I should take? I’m thinking to:

  • Connect the EP1 to to the 5v pins of a sister Konnected Alarm Panel Pro in the same cabinet.
  • Connect the EP1 to to the 5v pins of a sister Konnected Alarm Panel Pro that has no other sensors connected to it.

Thanks for your assistance here.

Hmm, this is not expected. It does sound like the current required for the EP1 is well within the 300mA maximum of the 5V outputs. The 5V outputs on the Alarm Panel Pro aren’t controlled or switched by anything, and should provide continuous 5V output. I’m kinda stumped as to how it would be losing power every 60 minutes.

Here’s the schematic of the 5V output:

The part at U6 on the back of the board just behind the 5V pins is what’s doing the conversion to 5V and is supplied directly by the 12V input, so there’s really nothing there on the board that would be resetting it.

How are you powering the Pro board? I’m kinda stumped here… have you figured out anything else while experimenting?