Honeywell VISTA-20P in Parallel with Konnected Alarm Panel Pro 12-Zone Interface Kit

Thought I’d share a wiring diagram of a Honeywell VISTA-20P in Parallel with Konnected Alarm Panel Pro 12-Zone Interface Kit.

Project Goal

  1. Implement a self-monitoring alarm system using mainstream products.
  2. Integrate smoke detectors into the alarm system so I would be notified if a smoke detector is activated. Note: Disarming the system does not silence the smoke detectors.
  3. Keep the existing alarm system in place.

Wiring Diagram.pdf (2.1 MB)
Appendix1.pdf (2.4 MB)

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This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks so much for you diagrams and very details directions. I have things set up the same not including the expansion board or smoke alarm set up. The alarm works as expected when I set the alarm with my phone, but if I set my alarm with the hardwired panel, it does not change status in SmartThings or send notifications, so I can’t control anything from my phone. What connections make that communication work?

Great information. Thanks for sharing.