Reconfigre IP (new router)

Hi, I have a new router that uses a new address space. I am no longer able to connect to my two Konnected alarm panels using the IP addresses I originally configured them with. Is there any way to reconfigure without a factory reset? Here are the Konnected boards I have;

Is there a trick to this?

Thanks for any ideas…


I’m assuming that you’ve previously configured them with a manual IP address (under Advanced Network Settings on the Network settings screen. Otherwise this would not be an issue.

If that’s the case, then you have a couple options. First, update the Advanced Network Settings for each device in the Konnected app, then tap Build now to build the updated firmware with the new settings. Now you have to apply this firmware to the device –

If you can, restore the old network temporarily and the device(s) will re-connect using the old IP settings. Then you can push the updated firmware to the device over the old WiFi network and it should then reboot and connect to the new network.

If restoring the old network temporarily is not possible, you can flash the updated firmware using a USB cable. Check your email for a link to the build flash tool after the firmware build is complete. Use a micro-USB cable and follow the steps on that web page to flash the updated firmware to the device. Once it’s flashed, it should connect to the new network.

Hi, Nate. While I was pondering the problem and before you posted your replied I made some progress. On my router I created a DHCP address reservation for the MAC of each of my two boards. After a reboot of all components I was able to connect and see them appear in Hubitat.

New problem however: In the Konnected app on my iphone, and in Hubitat, they are online for a bit, then go into a state of “Unreachable”. I am on a new Netgear CAX80; all Konnected and Hubitat modules are connected via Wi-Fi on the same network address space. Any thoughts on what might cause this behavior? Any ideas or thoughts to point me in the right direction would be appreciated :slight_smile:


my two cents…

after trying to fix wifi probs with IOT devices and newer routers… came to the conclusion…

better to just place another wifi ap (or router setup as an wifi ap) next to main router and set it’s wifi to 2.4g only and set all your IOT devices to that SSID

the older the wifi access point / router the more reliable everything will be :slight_smile:

Update & resolution: I was using a Netgear C7000, and everything was good. Konnected boards were connected via wifi, and the system was functional and reliable. I upgraded to a Netgear CAX80 and things fell apart. Konneced boards would connect for a few minutes, then go offline.

After several hours of troubleshooting and working w/Netgear it was determined that the advanced security on the CAX80 was blocking traffic from Konnected. The only way to make it work was to put Konnected on a separate “Guest” network with no security. That was not something I wanted to do, so I returned the CAX80 and went back to my C7000.

I agree with harrys the older the wifi access point / router the more reliable everything will be :slight_smile:

Hope this helps others. KEEP IT SIMPLE IF POSSIBLE.

PS ive always preferred keeping both running, with old router just supporting iot devices only (seperate iot SSID from the instructions below with wifi knocked down to 2.4g only) as its always better to have a newer router for better security, wifi performance etc…