Hi everyone,
I'm starting to feel like that scratched record that keeps playing the same track over and over.
I've jumped "knee deep" into the Home Assistant world which has definitely allowed me to start expanding my capabilities and understanding of other technologies and technical stuff. Alarms systems was never a thought on my mind with regards to home automation, but recently I've awaken to the world of possibilities.
I've ordered a bunch of Konnected hardware to start the path of this integration, however, I'm really sort of stuck and here's why.
a. Most of the install video's or documentation I've seen is based on a stand-alone Konnected hardware configuration, with one exception I've seen from the founder of Konnected himself talking about the integration of the interface and Konnected board into an existing system. Well that video abruptly ends with no demonstration of the other components that are talked about in the beginning of the video where he says I'll show you : see video here: (oh and btw, I love this product and these guys have been super at helping me, so no bad mouthing on my part)!!!
1) integrating the relay module
2) programming the Ademco Vista 20p board to send alarm/disarm outputs to the Konnected system. (There is documentation that I've walked through that appears to be missing some elements in the screen responses on the keypad) but I've yet to get this working.
3) no documentation or video (that I have found) that put's the full "integration" scenario in motion. there are bits and pieces out there, tons of writeups, that I've been trying to cobble together, however, I'm somehow still missing the mark.
Here is my situation questions:
a. Is there a checklist that outline the requirements for full Integration ? The assumptions being I want input/output from the core alarm system and the ability to control it via internet.
b. What are the components I'm missing in my setup: I have -
1) 12 port Konnected pro board;
2) @2 6 port integration boards;
3) @1 Konnected relay module
4) Home Assistant server;
4) I have connected the female to mail wire to ports 1 and 5 (17 & 18 respectively on the Vista 15p output board);
5) Configured the outputs on the vista 15p for sending signal to Konnected. (this is where the documentation provided by Konnected appear to be slightly different in the menu items vs actual physical menu items on the panel) I've gone through this documentation a number of times and it's missing steps that account for "stay closed" and "stay open" for both outputs 17 and 18. So I'm not sure if this really matters.
This does not get into the setup of the Alarm Keypad (I know, I know, it's a state machine) - of which to the thanks of many of you I've been able to configure (to a point) but wow have I learned a crap load about YAML files. Although I'm not finished with the overall implementation, I'm eager to learn more.
Enough of my rambling, any help, feedback, input would be greatly appreciated!!!!