Concord 4 - Interface w/ Relay - Home Assistant

I had a lot of trouble with finding everything needed to get this set up.

Here is a quick guide for a small installation. 4 zones, relay to Arm/Disarm, and Armed/Disarmed, and Active Alarm notification. 

For quick reference...

  1. You will need your Concord 4 installer code
  2. The spec from Konnected shows Z6 twice. This is a typo, and not a special zone.
  3. It takes 2 of your Konnected zones for Armed/Disarmed, and Alarm Notification limiting monitored zones to 4.
  4. If you are using Duck DNS, you will need to also add NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy, otherwise things will show up but not update, or not update quickly.
  5. Outputs 1 and 2 on the Concord panel can be programmed with these codes Armed / Disarmed code = 00903 Alarm is currently triggered code = 00603
  6. You will need a 2k ohm ¼ watt resistor for the relay to work with Concord 4. It should be between the Ground and the Relay
  7. The Relay does not take a Konnected zone, but does take an alarm panel zone
  8. You cannot arm the alarm to “Stay” with this setup, only “Away” 
  9. You cannot tell what state the alarm is set to only that it is armed.
  10. The Relay connects to the Concord 4 through any standard alarm panel zone and operates as a Keyswitch sensor 
  11. The relay switch should be set in Home Assistant to pulse at 250 ms on High. This keeps your trigger from being stuck on or off in the event Konnected gets disconnected.
  12. Concord Keyswitch sensor should be set to the sensor that the relay switch is on, and Keyswitch style should be set to 1 (Transition).

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Adding Schematic... Concord 4 - Interface with built in Relay  wiring 

For some reason, I'm unable to get to the KEYSWITCH SENSOR menu item. Even the shortcut 0014 doesn't work (display shows 001?). While in the Security Settings, Partition 1, there are only 4 options: Account Number, Quick Arm, Keyswitch Arming, and Duress Code. Turning Keyswitch Arming on doesn't make the other menu items appear. Am I missing something? Thanks for any help you can provide.  I'm about to pull my hair out on this one.


Sorry its taken so long to see this. I did this project a while ago, but I believe it should be set to 1 for this to work. I imagine that is 001 as long as KeySwitch arming is active. I will take a closer look over the weekend if you still need help. 

I would appreciate that so much. Thank you!

@dithompson06, Sorry again for the delay. I just looked again, in my writeup, the steps is slightly wrong. Should be programming > security > partition 1 > keyswitch sensor


I realize that last post did not answer the issue, sorry. I would check that the sensor you are going to make the keyswitch is set to group 28 with keyswitch arming on. Other than that you may not be on a programming keypad though I am not really sure about that. Sorry I dont see anythign that stands out on my end.