Alarm Triggered - logs indicate zone failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

I have had a few false alarms as of late. If course I want to know what zone is triggered, but in this case is not shown in HomeKit. I am running HomeBridge in a Docker Container on a Pi and the HB logs show:

In this case, the alarm was not set, so no alarm
[10/21/2023, 6:51:14 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: connect ECONNRESET
[10/21/2023, 6:51:14 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: connect ECONNRESET
[10/21/2023, 7:55:13 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: connect ECONNRESET
[10/21/2023, 7:55:13 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: connect ECONNRESET

In this case the alarm was set, and there was a false alarm:

[10/22/2023, 10:35:47 AM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET
[10/22/2023, 10:35:47 AM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET
[10/22/2023, 2:27:24 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET
[10/22/2023, 2:27:24 PM] [Konnected] request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

It does not state which zone, and a quick search on ECONNRESET does not tell me much.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance for any assistance

Open your browser to This should be the internal status page of the Konnected device. Is it online at that IP address?

Yes it is with an uptime of 2d 37m 23s

I doubt this has anything to do with it, but I also have an Ecobee Thermostat with remote sensors in HomeKit that provide indications of Motion and Room Occupancy. In both cases, no one was home at the time of the Alarm Trigger, room Occupancy was indicated in a different room each time. I have no explanation for this and no wired door, window contacts, or motion sensor showed open. I know we have been wanting HomeKit side virtual sensors but I assume there is no chance this room accupancy indication from Ecobee played any part in triggering the alarm.

The HomeKit Activity History, which is a recent addition shows the Alarm was triggered at 2:26pm. it does not display seconds. It is not clear what caused the trigger and if this lack of response to HomeBridge was directly related to the root cause.

Is there any logging that can be enabled on the Alarm board itself to capture Alarm Triggers and zone info? Or logging in HomeBridge which picked up the Alarm trigger and passed it to HomeKit, but does not appear to report what sensor caused it?

I have a very similar issue with false triggers, but not as much data on it. I can’t find anything in the logs indicating any weirdness.
It seems to be when I get up and go to the bathroom at night (when the Konnected security system is set to Night mode). The bathroom does have a motion sensor in it, but it should not be triggering any alarm. It’s not part of Konnected, nor is it attached to any automations.

Did some testing and learned that the ECONNRESET message appears to come after turning off the alarm once triggered and does not appear to be the cause of the false alarm.

I enabled debug level logging in HomeBridge Settings and was able to capture a false alarm which in this case was the motion sensor setting a state change. This sensor is old, circa 2009 and so I will disable it to see that it eliminates the false alarms and then replace it with a model recommended to work well with the Alarm Pro panel.